Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lick the Soap

Blog 7
In My Ears – My Morning Jacket / Fleet Foxes

I have agreed to do some pod casting with Kelly and John at ; this is definitely a first for me. Not sure how I feel about it…I hate to record the message on my answering machine…have always asked when I hear my recorded voice “do I really sound like that”. Shockingly, I have a rather high, girly voice…not the voice I hear in my ears…I always thought my voice had a bit of a Kathleen Turner-esque quality to it…in reality quite the opposite. So this should be an interesting endeavour for me…will I spend the entire time wondering what I sound like…probably initially, but really what I should be more concerned with is keeping my trucker mouth in check…on this blog I get the opportunity to edit – keep it clean…speaking, well that’s a whole other beast…I don’t ever think the “bad” words when I am formulating a thought they just come out…they are so ingrained in my vernacular that they have a mind of their own. I spend a lot of time telling my children to not say bad words, I have made them lick the soap, put hot sauce on tongues…yes I am a hypocrite…”do what I tell you, but be sure as hell not to copy what I say”. I can’t lie, my kids have made me lick the soap (so f*cking gross)…but as you can see it doesn’t work. I love to learn to swear in other languages…it does come in handy…I swear - that’s what I do and I make no apology for it.


  1. all you need to say is Mita Vittua! WTF?

  2. LJ rocked. You did what you do best and sounded great. I just re-listened to beginning - and caught the 'in the house' in high voice. LOVE!
