Blog – 1 – First blog EVER
In My Ears – Van Morrison and The Bird and The Bee
Like all good self respecting smokers, I too decided that 2010 would be the year that I quit…OK I will be honest, I got a cold over the holidays and couldn’t smoke and thought “maybe this is a sign”. Not wanting to be a cliché, the transition to non-smoker would not begin on January 1st. December 27th became the “chosen” date…would love to say this date was chosen for some divine reason but really it became THE DAY only because smoking with a cold on Boxing Day made me feel extra crappy on the 27th. I held it together until New Years Eve and well Jamie Foxx said it best “blame it on the a a a a a alcohol”. As soon as
the first delicious champagne bubbles entered my system all thoughts turned to my long time love. Really when I think about it, other then my parents, sister and a handful of friends my relationship with smoking has been one of my longest and might I say most successful ones to date. Smoking has never disappointed me – there were never any surprises. It has been my go to in good times and bad – there has never been an emotion that didn’t go hand and hand with a cigarette. I guess you could say smoking has been my perfect LBD (little black dress), it has always fit and was somehow always better after a big meal…WOW why am I putting myself through this why am I quitting????? Oh yeah, this perfect partner is the ultimate deceiver, the master manipulator…no matter how much fun we have had together, all the years behind us…its just waiting to turn on me, biding its time. Tricky little buggers have been laying the groundwork for years. Alright I am quitting….27th, 28th, 29th, 30th all great, no withdrawal, smooth sailing – of course this is due to a wicked cold not will power. Jumped off the wagon on the 31st, but really it wasn’t as catastrophic as it could have been kept it to a mere 7 or 8 cigarettes which is fantastic considering a night of drinks usually results in an entire pack down. So I too joined the ranks of all the January 1st quitters, but this is not a New Years Resolution (I don’t make those). So here we are January 6th, 5 days down and only 2 cigarettes – this to me is success, I am on the right track. So why did I start writing this…yes, that’s it…the NON SMOKERS SMOKERS COUGH…wtf…stop smoking develop a smokers cough…I have been assured by my doctor that this in fact is normal and is a good thing…it’s a spring cleaning for my lungs and wont last forever. The question that has been on my mind constantly since embarking on this lifestyle change is….will I ever really be a NONSMOKER or will I always be a SMOKER who just doesn’t smoke???