Tuesday, February 2, 2010

TV Land

Blog 18
In My Ears - Peter, Bjorn and John

This is a little off track from what I was going to write about today but I am listening to PB & J “Young Folks” and I am always amazed at the whistling…I love it!!! Maybe its because I just can’t whistle a tune…I have always wanted to be able to whistle especially one of those really loud ear piercing ones…OK…enough of that…it has been a quiet few days and I have not been very inspired, but as I spent the better part of an hour last night flipping through the thousands of channels on my TV, I guess its safe to say I am not the only one who is uninspired…honestly, I couldn’t find something to watch and enjoy to save my soul from hell…what is all this crap…I don’t care that you weigh 450 lbs; that you have no fashion sense; that you are “little people” who rescue pit bulls…don’t get me wrong there is indeed some quality TV out there, but last night it was all eluding me…is there a special section of channels that I don’t know about that plays host to all the “good” shows…if there is please let me know!!!! Maybe I will forsake TV and really put an honest effort into the whistling thing.


  1. I LOOOOOVE P, B & J!! I had back-shelved them until you mentioned it in your blog today. Funny - I pulled out the old "Muse: Origin of Symmetry" album and gave'er a listen-to today and felt like I was listening for first time again. Right now on CNBC there's a documentary that'd make most marketers cream their nerd pants... called something like "Coca-Cola: The real deal on the real thing" or some shit. It's about the only marginally interesting thing on tonight. That is. Until Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town is on again! :) xx
