Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Blog 10
In My Ears – Magnolia Electric Co.

BFF, LOL, TTYL, ROTFLMFAO… REALLY!!!!!!!! I cant lie I have thrown out a few LOLs in my day, but all the acronyms are out of control…I wandered onto a Facebook page of a friend of the family who happens to be in high school…seriously, I had no idea what they were saying… WTF is going? Text language has taken over…imagine what these kids essays must look like? I think back to when I was a teenager (yes a long ago time in a land far far away), it was all about the telephone…the LAND LINE (do kids today even know what that is)…we would burn up the lines all night long…my sister took it to whole new heights - her own phone line in her room, the family phone (cordless, we were pretty cutting edge) in her room, call waiting on both, feasibly she could have 4 conversations going at one time - and believe me she did. Hours were spent talking on the phone…once off the phone there were notes and letters to be written…you had to have your notes ready for school the next day…start it all off right so you can spend the rest of the day writing back and forth…imagine if we had kept all those notes (actually I do have some friends that have boxes of them…how much fun would it be to read them now…we were oh so DRAMATIC and always in love.) When I moved to the U.K. for University, all this letter writing came in handy especially after my first, and might I add only, £1,000 telephone bill…I became a regular at the post office…got to know all the OAPs (Old Age Pensioners)…I was the worlds greatest pen pal. Telephone was used for local, emergency and drunk dial calls back to Canada. A friend introduced me to email one day on campus and that was it for the pen and paper, email was just the greatest thing ever … real time conversations, no longer did I have to wait for the replies in the post, I was VIRTUAL baby!!! I never imagined that it would get any easier then that…well HELLOOOOOO texting…I have friends now that I don’t even call, all we do is text…if by chance we do call each other, thoughts immediately go to panic…what has happened, it must be huge if she is calling. I don’t miss the hours on the phone…its great to get right to the point, but as time passes and my mail is full of bills, I long for letters…there is something about putting pen to paper and beautiful stationary; it truly is a lost art…I am going to start writing letters again…P.S. I will text you when I mail them and over the weeks it takes for them to arrive I am sure I will tell you all my great news…but at least you will receive a hand written account of it to save.


  1. Hear hear LJ! I always make sure family friends get a hand-written thank you. And, when you have two hours, we can go through all the notes I saved from the high-school years. :) You were always the best at writing whether for a special occasion or just to say "I'm thinking about you". Very LJ!

  2. I kept all the notes from elementary and high school (we stole those "cahiers" for notes-you know those notebooks they used to give out in elementary school?) - in four shoeboxes until this year when I shacked up with Kent - I was going through them - so embarrassing, I read a few to him then decided time to dispose of MOST of them (via wood stove - can't risk them getting loose from the garbage bag on the curb of course!) But it was refreshing to see how much time and effort we took to write letters to each other - even if they were "I heard from Sherry who heard it from tina that you sat with Andrew on the late bus - you know how much Penny likes Andrew, how could you! Btw, my party is cancelled tonight" only to get the response back on Monday " I know you had you party still, I talked to Jen, she told me...thanks alot and by the way, I was telling Andrew how awesome Penny was and that he should totally ask her to the dance." I could go on and on but all this typing is cramping my hand (note the "by the way" instead of BTW, I had to go back and correct that

  3. I love it Amy...all the drama on the bus that just begged to be documented in a note to friends. Next time we meet at The Toucan, I will be sure to slip you a note when the bartender isn,t looking.

  4. Someone said 'Lol' to me in conversation once. I almost was physically violent. She was cute too.

  5. Amy! I just did the exact same thing - went through masses of notes I just got out of my parents' storage space. And also disposed of most of them via the wood stove... very interesting. Ah 'youth'.
